Our Economy
Beating the Labor Shortage: Hobby Lobby Shows the Way
While some businesses across the country are struggling with finding sufficient labor, Hobby Lobby seems to have avoided that problem due to its excellent benefits package and employee support system.
Hobby Lobby has some of the highest wages in the retail industry. In 2009, Hobby Lobby raised its minimum wage above the federal minimum. Again in 2014, they raised their wages to a company-wide minimum wage $15. This year (2021), Hobby Lobby raised their wages to $17 per hour, well above the federal minimum wage.
Meanwhile, other retail stores like Kroger and Dollar General, which pay just above federal minimum wage and below the national poverty line, are finding it hard to find and keep good employees.
We continue our efforts to maintain our position as a retail leader when it comes to taking care of our people," said David Green, Hobby Lobby founder and CEO. "We have not only weathered the challenges of the last eighteen months but have thrived due to the loyalty of our customers and dedication of our valued employees."
In October, Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., announced that it will hire up to 11,000 seasonal store employees for the Christmas season. Their confidence in their ability to find that many good employees shows their immunity against the labor shortage afflicting other retailers.